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[Rencontre] International meeting

International Meeting between forums. Would you like ?
Yes 100% [ 8 votes ]
No 0% [ 0 votes ]
Total des votes : 8
Est-ce que vous avez pense a une rencontre (forums) renault internationale ?

Je "represent" (si je peut sais comme ca) le forum Roumain [url][/url] et j'avais pense a une rencontre de ce niveau, je crois que il peut etre cool.

Que pense vous ?

anglais (si mon francais est tres mauvais):

Have you ever thought about an (forums) renault international meeting ?

I represent (if I may say so) the Romanian renault forum (link above) and I thought about a meeting like this, I think would be great and fun.

What do you think about this ?
Renault Clio Symbol (dec. 2001) 1.4 8V
60.000 km - 26.03.2006
Membre d'honneur
Message Mer 12 Avr, 2006 22:04
Je pense que c'est une bonne idée ;)
Je ne pourrais y participer, mais ça peut être très interressant ;)

Bonne continuation ;)
Thank you very much for the support ... everything will be done in time ... it is impossible to think and do something in 2-3 weeks ... maybe you can change your mind and participate :D ... thank you again
Renault Clio Symbol (dec. 2001) 1.4 8V
60.000 km - 26.03.2006
Membre d'honneur
Message Jeu 13 Avr, 2006 07:04
Bonne idée :idea:
Membre d'honneur
Message Jeu 13 Avr, 2006 07:04
why not :wink:
le "Tao te King" de mon ex maika'i 'ena ka'a
As I write before I think that it would be very fun and interesting ... maybe you can think to a location (not the cheapest, but anyway a "normal" one) ... maybe in France, Belgium, Austria, Germany ... somewhere ... any ideeas ?
Renault Clio Symbol (dec. 2001) 1.4 8V
60.000 km - 26.03.2006
Il faut parler anglais je suppose, donc ca va etre dur pour moi :mrgreen:
Kerz aucune probleme ... anglais ou francais c'est parfait ...
Renault Clio Symbol (dec. 2001) 1.4 8V
60.000 km - 26.03.2006
quelle bonne idée!!!!! :P
Qui peut-etre un bonne idee mais seullement 7 users ... :( :(
Renault Clio Symbol (dec. 2001) 1.4 8V
60.000 km - 26.03.2006
Good idea :wink:
Noir/Améthiste - Intérieur beige
Huit users ... :wink: ... ok ... si vous avez une idee pour location s'il vous plait dire ... pour 8 users ce n'est pas une probleme mais ... il doit etre une location interesante ... :)
Renault Clio Symbol (dec. 2001) 1.4 8V
60.000 km - 26.03.2006
Membre d'honneur
Message Mar 06 Juin, 2006 06:06
9 users

Why not ?

But where does this meeting toke place ?
Actuelle : BMW 525DA Luxe 2011

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BMW 520I E39 1999 | Laguna 2 .1.8 16V Expression 2001 | BMW Z3 1.8 1998 | BMW 316i E36 1992
Membre d'honneur
Message Mar 06 Juin, 2006 07:06
LagunaMatata a écrit:

sur la tête ou sur la porte :lol: ok je :arrow:

anyway, let's be sure about the 9 users, about their locations and their availabilities, then you would be able to decide the best place to meet :wink:
le "Tao te King" de mon ex maika'i 'ena ka'a
This year I'd like to go a little bit through some countries from Europe ... including France (I've been there last year too) but now I only wanna go on Milau (bridge) Viaduct ... maybe you know nice-cheap location near Milau and we all can meet there ... or somewhere in Austria, or in the north of Italy ... what do you say ?

When and where will you go on hollydays/vacations/conge ? maybe we can meet then. What do you all say ?
Renault Clio Symbol (dec. 2001) 1.4 8V
60.000 km - 26.03.2006
Membre d'honneur
Message Mer 07 Juin, 2006 09:06
well, about Millau, it would be easy for me, it's pretty close to my place! but about a nice and cheap hiring, you will have to look north of the localization, south it's gonna be quite expensive :?
le "Tao te King" de mon ex maika'i 'ena ka'a
Ok I understand ... we hope that will travel center-south in France ... from south France, Milau and then Bern-Zurich ...

If someone have some ideeas about the meeting place please write ... you know France better than me :D I would proudly invite you in Romania anytime you would like ... but I guess that there aren't many od you who would make this trip.

Anyway make proposals :)
Renault Clio Symbol (dec. 2001) 1.4 8V
60.000 km - 26.03.2006
Membre d'honneur
Message Mer 07 Juin, 2006 09:06
Millau is a great place to meet, if we consider the scenery! and many nice and cheap littles restaurants around :wink:

about Romania, if I had the time, I would have been happy to visit this nice country :wink:
le "Tao te King" de mon ex maika'i 'ena ka'a
So then ... do you think that we can find something good near Milau ?

-does anyone else have any other ideea or Milau is quite good for everybody- ?
Renault Clio Symbol (dec. 2001) 1.4 8V
60.000 km - 26.03.2006
Membre d'honneur
Message Mer 07 Juin, 2006 09:06
cmandrei a écrit:
we can find something good near MilLau

what do you mean exactly? a place to meet or a place for you to stay before and after?
le "Tao te King" de mon ex maika'i 'ena ka'a
A place to meet. A place to eat. A place to sleep. All the way :)
Renault Clio Symbol (dec. 2001) 1.4 8V
60.000 km - 26.03.2006
Membre d'honneur
Message Mer 07 Juin, 2006 09:06
to meet, it's easy around the bridge (viaduc) with real nice sceneries! to eat, easy as well! but about to sleep, depends on what you want? a house to stay a few days, just an hotel for a couple of nights, ...? hotels easy to find, a house or appartment too late I guess (we are in June and tourists are already there!)
le "Tao te King" de mon ex maika'i 'ena ka'a
I think that for me (and my wife) will be only one night ... but it depends on how many days will last the meeting ...
Renault Clio Symbol (dec. 2001) 1.4 8V
60.000 km - 26.03.2006
Membre d'honneur
Message Mer 07 Juin, 2006 10:06
one night, so it should be easy to find something nice and cheap :wink:
le "Tao te King" de mon ex maika'i 'ena ka'a
Message Mer 07 Juin, 2006 10:06
Ok then ... let's see what the rest (that vote yes) think :)
Renault Clio Symbol (dec. 2001) 1.4 8V
60.000 km - 26.03.2006

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