Hello all,
I have a Megane II sedan from 2004 with the Cabasse Carminat GPS system with the 6 cd changer on the front.
The radio itself and the GPS cd box are in the trunk. I want to remove the system and install something more modern while trying to keek as muck as possible from the original looks (more on that later).
From what I read online the radio connections (BLACK) have all the info I´ll need but I want to know more about the connections in the system and what they do, especially the red one on the radio.
I'm still developing the plan but before I start pulling cables and guessing what goes where I want to gather the most amount of information I can.
With that said is there anyone capable of explaining to me what are the cables connected to the red terminal on the radio?
and on the gps? where are these connections go and do?
the one on the back
and the one on the front
Cd changer in the front
Screen connections
So if anyone is an expert on old meganes I would really appreciate the help.
Thanks and sorry for the massive pictures