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[Carminat Navigation Informé 2] Carminat navigation Informé 2 rearview camera

Lun 29 Mai, 2023 18:05
Hello all,
I have a megane II with the Carminat Navigation Informé 2 and I've been looking for a way to integrate a rearview camera into the system without adding a second screen to the system. My goal is to use something line the old Multimedia Video interface for the Renault Carminat CD systems or something like mentioned here https://www.planeterenault.com/forum/carminat-navigation-i..ur-cni-2-t53589.html but 1st i cant find any of those multimedia interfaces to buy and the instructions on the post I've mentioned are not clear. Is there anyone that can help me with my quest?
Membre d'honneur
Mar 30 Mai, 2023 08:05
You have to get an interface but it's very very] hard to find. The manufacturer is Connexx.
Sam 17 Juin, 2023 12:06
Thanks j2c, its been extremally dificult to find something. I wonder if there is anyone in the forum with a Navinc Multimedia Video interface Renault Carminat CD systems IF-REN-2V that might want to sell it???
Membre d'honneur
Lun 19 Juin, 2023 11:06
It may works, but I never test it
Plugs are OK.
Dernière édition par j2c le Lun 19 Juin, 2023 11:06; édité 1 fois